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It means so much to see so many of you on prayers.  Whether you are a weekly participant or join when possible, I love our Tuesday nights together.  
"I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever."  
For  unto  you  is  born  this  day   in  the  city  of  David  a  Savior,   which   is   Christ  the  Lord.
"Brendan's Buddy Bench" was dedicated this past Saturday evening.  Located near the front doors of St Vincent Martyr School, this bench is a special place where people can sit with a friend.  Family, friends, and people who loved Brendan were in attendance to honor him.  Sr. Noreen and Phil spoke from the heart and Fr. George blessed the bench in Brendan's name.  Several members of the SVMS class of 2013 were in attendance and a few even shared some sweet, funny stories about Brendan.   So many of us carry Brendan and Colleen in our hearts
Our next Prayer Zoom will be on Tuesday, November 21st at 7:45pm.  Please continue to remember all of our intentions in your daily prayers.
Congratulations to Jordan and the entire Crimmins family on the birth of Gina Elizabeth!  Gina arrived at 9:54 on Monday, November 6th weighing 8lbs 2oz.