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Novena For Our Beloved Departed

Novena For Our Beloved Departed

Heavenly Father, be with us in this sacred moment. We ask Your comfort for the Donohoe family amid the sorrow of losing someone they love. Help them bear their pain and loss, and renew their faith in the life to come. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ.

We offer this novena for John,
who has departed from this world and now returns to you.
Lord, in your mercy welcome him into your heavenly kingdom.
He has gone to his rest in hopes of rising with you.
Lord, bring him into the light of your Divine Presence.
May he find eternal peace with you.
May he inherit your kind forgiveness.
May he see you face to face.
You are our hope in this world, our resurrection and life, our Judge and Savior.
We humbly beseech you, be merciful in your judgement and grant to John eternal salvation.
Cleanse him of his sins and grant him lasting reward,
in your kingdom.

We thank you, Almighty God, for the treasured gift of love, for those we have shared our lives with, and for the memories we are blessed to hold in our hearts. Console us, wipe away our tears, and see us through another day. Death is not the last word, for we have the hope and promise of a life everlasting, through Your Son, our Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen

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